Frequently asked questions
Here you will find details and information that may be helpful with regard to airlines, baggage, etc.
Q. Is my money safe with Stein travel?
Yes, your money is 100% safe with Stein Travel. We are fully licensed and bonded with the Commission for Aviation Regulation and The Department of Transport in Dublin.
Q. What is included in your holiday cost?
The holiday prices included flights and accommodation. You can add baggage and transfers during the booking journey. We do not include a checked-in bag for everyone as the airlines charge for each bag. This helps with your overall price. You have the option of choosing, say, 1 bag per couple.
Q. When do i need to pay for my holiday?
If you are booking more than 12 weeks before departure, then your payments are in 3 stages:
€100 per person at the time of booking.
€100 per person 4 weeks after booking.
The balance is due no later than 10 weeks before departure.
If you book over 10 weeks before departure, then your payments are in 2 stages:
€100 per person at the time of booking
The balance is due no later than 10 weeks before departure
If you book within 10 weeks of departure, the full amount is due at the time of booking